On December 16, 2020, the Governor of Minnesota once again addressed executive orders related to Covid-19 restrictions, policies, and protocols. We have reviewed all of the information presented and the supporting documents. Additionally, we have spoken directly with a representative from the Minnesota Department of Health.
In our communication with the Department of Health the following document was referenced: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/schools/socialdistance.pdf . The document is dated 12/16/2020. Page 3 of the document states: “Within the program, create consistent groupings of the same staff, volunteers, and participants. The maximum number of participants is 15 people per group or room for indoor and outdoor activities.” This is the operational guideline we would like all Scouting units in the Voyageurs Area Council to follow.
Additionally, it is important to recognize that all of the standard protections remain in place.
- Wear a mask or face covering at all times when indoors at a Scout gathering or meeting of any kind.
- Each individual must commit to distancing guidelines of at least 6 feet.
- Rooms that are used for Scout gathering must be large enough to accommodate distancing rules of at least 6 feet for each person and avoid close contact.
- Contact tracing questions which have been in place for several months are to be asked as each person checks into the meeting or activity. (Persons that have any any questionable contact with anyone testing positive for the virus or that is currently ill should opt out of the meeting or activity, and upon review of the questions will be asked to leave the meeting.)
- Temperature checks should done each time the group gathers.
- Materials for disinfecting items and for washing/disinfecting hands must be available and used as applicable.
Rules for travel, camping, and use of Council properties and buildings remain as currently issued. In the November 19, 2020 letter from the Council we outlined use of the Council Service Center. Those rules will remain in place through the extension of the Governors order which is January 10, 2021.
Lastly, we recognize that we have Scouting units that fall under the jurisdiction of Wisconsin and Michigan. Some of the local rules are different. We are asking that all of our units continue to follow a common set of standards for the protection and safety of all of our Scouts and their families.
Happy Holidays to all!
Michael Jenkins, Scout Executive
Stacey Dennee, Council Risk Management Chair