Covid-19 Protocol Update – 2

On November 18, 2020, the Governor of Minnesota issued a new executive order related to Covid-19 protocols. 

We have reviewed that order and the accompanying documents and support materials related to it and have the following updates on our policies to share with the Council.

Please be advised that the Centers for Disease Control and other agencies that are tracking data on the pandemic have issued warnings to the public because of dramatic rise in the number of reported cases of infection.  These warnings and advisories are what are driving government officials to issue new executive orders.  We are interested in doing all we can to support the general public health and be a leading institution in honoring and obeying the law.

You may look at the attached link to see what has been said about “Youth and Student Programs”.

While we are confident that our regulations and policies to this point have been in keeping with public policy and guidelines, and we are confident that those practices have allowed us to be without any infection events so far, we recognize that now is not a time to be divisive.  We must be humble and participate in changes for the public good.

The new order issued by the govenor of Minnesota is in place for the next four weeks.  That time frame leads into the Christmas holiday.  For all practical purposes we would be talking about programming, meetings, and events for the rest of the 2020 calendar year.

Please be advised:

  • In-person meeting at the Council Service Center are cancelled for the duration of the order.
  • Anyone wishing to meet with any of the staff will need a scheduled appointment.
  • The Scout Shop will continue to be open to one customer at a time (one family).
  • The buildings at Camp Horace Johnson and Camp Barksdale are effectively closed through the end of the year.


  • We recommend that all Scouting units take a “time out” for a few weeks.  Zoom (Internet) meetings and activities are still supported and can do much good in keeping the unit together and Scouts focused and participating.
  • We ask that you be even more diligent in obeying rules and regulations, in planning for the safety and health of your Scouts and their families, and in promoting public health.
  • You might take this time to work on planning and preparation for 2021.  A proposed Council and District calendar will be released by December 15, 2020.  Get your adult and youth leadership ready and excited to lead Scouting programs in the coming year.  Complete your re-chartering process.  Have a schedule of regular communication with each Scout and their family.

We are confident that these challenges will pass.  We look forward to exciting new opportunities in 2021 and to putting this pandemic behind us.  Let’s do all we can in the here and now to be a good community partner and to support our local leaders.  Let’s show that we are prepared and that we have learned to do hard things.

We wish you all our best.  We are interested in the Council success, in your success, and in what is best for our communities and we are praying for you.


Michael Jenkins, Council Scout Executive

Stacey Dennee, Council Risk Management Chair

Covid Protocol Update -2