In Person Meetings – Adjustment

In our last Covid-19 letter we outlined regulations to be followed to begin meeting inside with your Scouts again.  In the fourth bullet point under regulations we stated that “indoor meetings and activities will be limited to no more than 25 persons…”.  We have received some feedback and phone calls from concerned parents and leaders that this does not match government guidelines for the State of Minnesota.

A further review has led to a need for us to amend this statement.  Following guidelines set by the Governor of Minnesota, we will change the number of allowed participants to 15.  We know this may further complicate issues of meeting together and make it more challenging for you.  We are working to be sure we follow all applicable rules and guidelines, which can sometimes be difficult to interpret. 

If we can help you with ideas as to how to meet given the restrictions that are in place, please feel free to call us and ask for assistance.


Michael Jenkins, Scout Executive                                              

Stacey Dennee, Council Risk Management Chair

Covid-19 Memo 8.21.20