Addendum – Use of Local Council Properties

The four step plan for re-opening the Voyageurs Area Council to in person meetings and events does not specifically address issues that may be particular to the properties owned or leased by the Council (other than the Council Service Center).

This document will address rules and regulations, which are subject to change as government policies change, for the following properties:

  • Camp Horace Johnson
  • Camp Barksdale
  • Camp Nushka
  • New Port Plat (on Rainey Lake)
  • Voyageur Adventure Base 
  • Note: Camp 28 will not be available for use until significant mitigation of safety issues is taken care of. 

The Council proposes a re-opening date of the properties to be July 1, 2020.  The rules and regulations addressed here are relative to that re-opening date and will be in force until such official communication from the Council changes or updates those rules. Please note: the properties may be reserved for day use, outside of buildings only, prior to July 1, 2020.  No overnight programs or camping is to take place on any of our properties prior to that date. 

Rules for Use: (beginning July 1, 2020)

  • Overnight camping is allowed outside of buildings only. The bunkrooms at Camp Horace Johnson andCamp Barksdale are not to be used for housing participants or staff.
  • Tent camping or housing in camp trailers/RVs is to be done in family groups only. Tents are not to be shared by those that are not in the same family.
  • Available buildings may be used for emergency or health concerns only. Cooking facilities in the buildings may be used with the following recommendations:
    • Access is limited to two people at a time. Those inside must be wearing a face covering.
    • Social distancing by those doing the cooking/food preparation must be adhered to.
    • Other rules regarding sanitation, disinfecting surfaces, handling of food, and hand washing as stated in the Council’s Re-Opening Step 3 letter or other Council official communications must be strictly followed.
  • Participants must be organized into pods of not more than 10 total people (youth and adults). Social distancing within pods and physical distancing between pods must be followed.
  • Program materials must be organized such that participants are not sharing them.
  • Hand sanitizer and hand washing stations must be available throughout the program area.
  • Any program materials used for demonstration or instruction must be sanitized after each use.
  • Temperature screening materials are available from the Council and are to be used.Each participantis to have their temperature screened upon arrival and again each day of the campout.  A record or log of all screening is to be kept and turned in to the Council upon completion of the activity.
  • Participants must certify that they are not currently sick nor have they had any contact with anyoneInfected with Covid-19 in the past 14 days.  Those that cannot so certify must be asked to leave.
  • Travel to and from the properties is to be done within families only.

Any one of these rules or restrictions may be updated at any time. 

Property Use Plan PDF